இயக்கம் பற்றி

எனது படம்
சேலம், தமிழ்நாடு, India
விஞ்ஞானிகள்,பல்கலைக்கழக ஆய்வறிஞர்கள், கல்லூரிப்பேராசிரியர்கள்,ஆசிரியர்கள்,அரசு&தனியார் நிறுவன அறிவியல் ஆர்வலர்கள், தொண்டர்கள்,பெண்கள்&மாணவர்களை உறுப்பினர்களாகக் கொண்டு அறிவியல் பரப்புதலை தலையாய நோக்கமாகக் கொண்டு 25 ஆண்டுகளுக்கும் மேலாக செயல்பட்டு வரும் தன்னார்வ அமைப்பாகும்.. அகில இந்திய மக்கள் அறிவியல் கூட்டமைபபின் உறுப்பினராகவும் மத்திய அரசின் தேசிய அறிவியல் தகவல் தொழில்நுட்ப பரிமாற்றக்குழுவின் உறுப்பினராகவும் உள்ளது. 1980 முதல் செயல்பட்டு வரும் TNSF தமிழகத்தின் பள்ளிக்கல்வி மற்றும் அறிவியல் பிரச்சாரத்தில் மிக முக்கிய பங்காற்றியுள்ளது. மகளிர் சுயஉதவிக்குழுக்கள், பொது சுகாதாரம்&வளர்ச்சிப்பணிகளிலும் கவனம் செலுத்தி வருகிறது. தேசிய எழுத்தறிவுத்திட்டம்,அறிவொளி திட்டச் செயல்பாடுகளை முழு ஈடுபாட்டுடன் மேற்கொண்டதன் மூலம் மாநிலம் முழுவதும் பரவலான வரவேற்பையும் பாராட்டையும் பெற்றது. கடந்த 17 ஆண்டுகளாக தேசிய குழந்தைகள் அறிவியல் மாநாட்டை ஒருங்கிணைப்பதன் மூலம் ஆயிரக்கணக்கான குழந்தைகளை எளிய அறிவியல் ஆய்வுப்பணிகளில் ஈடுபடுத்தி வருகிறது. மத்திய அரசின் தேசிய அறிவியல் & தகவல் தொழில்நுட்ப பரிமாற்றக்குழுவின் சிறந்த அறிவியல் அமைப்பிற்கான விருதையும் சிறந்த அறிவியல் வெளியீடுகளுக்காக UGC-யின் ஹரிஓம் விருதையும் சுற்றுச்சூழல் விழிபபுணர்வுக்காக தமிழக அரசின் அறிஞர் அண்ணா விருதையும் பெற்றுள்ளது.


சனி, ஆகஸ்ட் 06, 2011

6வது தேசிய ஆசிரியர்கள் அறிவியல் மாநாடு - ஆய்வுக்கட்டுரைகள் சமர்பிக்க அழைப்பு - இறுதி நாள் அக்டோபர் -15 - 2011

VI National Teachers’ Science Congress-2011

A Programme Catalysed & supported by National Council for Science and Technology Communication (NCSTC) - DST ,  Ministry of Science & Technology, Govt. of India &Organised by NCSTC-Network, New Delhi .

What is NTSC:

Initiated by RVPSP-DST National Teachers’ Science Congress provides a forum to teachers of the country to enhance their level of scientific awareness. The first national event was held in 2003. Supported by RVPSP, it has become a biennial activity of NCSTC Network since 2005.

NTSC is round-table for teaching community of the country to communicate their innovative concepts, share their creativity in the methodologies of science education. Besides imparting innovativeness in sharing educative processes, participating teachers are induced to prove their localized knowledge in respective field of science and technology.

Focal Theme:                             

One of the most striking trends in the arena of education in India today, specially science education, can be located in the shift from the obsession of ‘access’ to ‘ideology’ in all its nuances. Any meaningful comprehension of the challenges of science education basically revolves round the understanding of this paradigm shift. Developing society of India can not ignore ‘the functional necessity’ of science education. But the challenge is how to transcend the limits of technological determination in education. It is equally challenging to intertwine this existing science education with the basic philosophical tenets of science i.e. universalism, provisionalism and above all the methodological approach of rationality.

The present emphasis on ‘creation of knowledge’ instead of just dissemination of ‘banked’ and ‘marshalled’ knowledge necessitates a relook into the entire gamunt of relationship governing education. Present alienation in the teaching learning process has often led to a misguided concept of ‘blame the teachers’ school of thought. But it does not address the core of the problem. What is negate is a new pedagogical and curricular approach which will take cognigence of the already existing plural social knowledge as the base and enrich it with constantly changing innovative operational method. The primary objective will be to demystify the abstraction which still prevails in science education.

The recent trend, as envisaged in curriculum framework, not to treat different discipline of science i.e. physics, chemistry, mathematics, geology etc. as distinct and separate ‘sub culture’ is a welcome direction. How can it best be reflected as a holistic one in classroom by relating the experiences from day to day life? By properly situating it science can be a joyous learning as an integrated and organic process. Here lies the necessity of understanding of how different disciplines of science acts in an interacting and interpenetrating way.

This is the International Year of Chemistry. It provides an opportunity to look into how the industrial revolution brought chemistry into the core of our daily existence, of course not being an ‘unmixed blessings’. 
The occasion provides us an opportunity to appraise us of the new areas of developmental chemistry which takes into consideration and address our concerns of environment, ecology and above all quality of life.


I.                   Innovations in Teaching- Learning of Sciences,
II.                Correlating Science Subjects,  
III.              Chemical Sciences & Quality of Life

(Sub theme has been put-up especially on the Occasion of International Year of Chemistry)

Sub-Theme I : Innovation in Teaching –Learning of Science


With changing curriculum there is need to bring change in teaching-learning process. The teacher should keep in mind the prior experiences/exposure of child while planning curricular inputs. Teacher should involve learner in teaching –learning process in order to develop interest of students in learning science. The NCF 2005 also emphasizes the constructivist approach of pedagogical practices. There can be various innovative practices adopted by teacher like use of kits/software, IT -based modules, hands-on learning, exploratory modules etc. which are elaborated below so that the teachers develop papers for the NTSC based on his/her efforts in above mentioned areas.

Hands-on Activities based on scientific principles:
 Teacher can develop such activities for teaching-learning of science involving students in performing different activities in the classroom or outside the classroom. For example; the teacher can develop such activities for various topics such as; solubility of substances in water, scattering of light, studying the stages and conditions of germination of seeds by using materials from the surroundings.

Exploratory Modules/studies:
Modules are the written material / documents developed by the teachers or experts on various topics. Teacher may use this type of material for his/her teaching. The modules are like self-learning material written in simple to complex or known to unknown forms.

For example; for studying topic like food chains, types of plants and the seasons in which they grow and flourish, exploring different types of agricultural practices adopted by farmers etc.

Experimental Study:
teachers should try to design some experimental study on some scientific concepts, processes or phenomena related to science curriculum. These experiments may include topics like, study of the phenomena of transpiration in plants, study of natural indicators, water holding capacity of the soil etc.

Use of Resource Material:
Such materials are developed or procured from the surroundings/ available source by the teachers for his/her teaching and to develop students’ interest in science. 
For example; teacher may develop series of small experiments to be performed by the students, teacher can even see the effectiveness of the resource material developed for physically challenged and other categories of special children etc.

Multimedia Packages / Software Packages/ IT based Modules:
As a teacher one can develop or procure such packages for using them in teaching-learning process.
 For example; teaching abstract concepts like structure of atom, blood circulatory system in human being etc.

Improvised Apparatus/Kits:
Teacher may try to develop and use the low-cost improvised apparatus or kits for teaching science. They may also carry out comparative study of the effectiveness of different kits/ apparatus, if available for the same topic/concept.

Teachers may carry out studies on the effectiveness of different assessment techniques and tools. Based on observation, reporting, some of the process skills may also be assessed. Studies may also be conducted on teachers’ perception about the Continuous and Comprehensive Evaluation system.

Action Research by Teachers:
Teachers can take up action research for solving the problems faced by them in their classrooms. For example; students with learning difficulties may be helped by using carefully prepared remedial material.

Curriculum Reform:
Teachers’ perception about the existing curriculum can be taken–up and also their suggestion for further modification of the same.

Note for the Teachers:
Teacher should try to develop their papers for the NTSC by following the steps given below;
Sensing and defining the problem

v  Survey of related literature
v  Development of Tools/ Experimental design
v  Collection of data
v  Classification and analysis of the data
v  Interpretation of data and drawing inferences
v  Conclusion and suggestion for further research/ improvement in the situation

Sub Theme II : Correlating Science Subjects

Keeping in view the school education based on latest education document  the emphasis has been given on “Generating Knowledge” rather than “Providing information“ to the students. Any stream of science can not be studied as an isolated subject. Therefore it is essential to give an environment to the students where he/ she can generate knowledge and for this, all the branches of sciences should be correlated. This will generate an interest in the study of sciences and also ensure joyful learning to the student. Every discipline of sciences focuses on the well being of human kind as we can see the theme of International Year of Chemistry 2011-Chemistry- our life, our future and focuses on the achievements of chemistry and the contributions it has made to our knowledge, environment protection, improvement of health and economic development that is only possible through the correlation of different streams of sciences.

For correlating science subjects, some studies may be taken in the areas such as:

Understanding different sciences in relation to each other
Teachers can develop some activities where they can make use of different branches of sciences
eg. Nutritional aspects of food and health (categorization of food on their nutritional values, biochemical present in them as well as their importance for health);

 physical, biological and chemical processes involved in different environmental aspects such as biogeochemical cycles.
Interrelation of chemistry, physics, mathematics, geology, geography, biology with each other and also the link between science and craft, science and language, science and music etc

Linking knowledge of science at different levels
Activities should be created to fill the gaps among different levels of education (middle, secondary and higher secondary education onwards). Science should be correlated with other school subjects

Correlating sciences beyond the classrooms/ innovative methodologies
Activities should  be designed for correlating the different science subjects involved in the already existing phenomenon in the surroundings
(eg visit to a forest to study the flora and fauna, basic physical and chemical characteristics of soil and water present in the area under study) ;
science behind yoga, science behind traditional knowledge
(eg. Traditional health practices of medicines);
study of sciences involved in agriculture
(eg, fertility of soil, soil properties, water holding capacities, composting); study the various scientific problems involved in industrial/ agricultural areas.

Sub theme III : Chemical  Sciences and Quality of Life


Chemistry has influenced human well being from time immemorial whether we understand it that way or not. For example synthetic drugs, antibiotics have changed the health care scenario. Introduction of synthetic pigments , dyes, paints, construction materials, agro chemicals and industrial material and body care  products have improved quality of life and have changed entire pattern of life.

It is expected that participants will look into one or more aspects related to dependence and improvement of quality of life triggered by chemistry and/ or chemical process
Participants  will present case studies, research findings, examples from their own surroundings to highlight the role of those processes which contributed in improvement and betterment of day to day life. If possible economical  and implementation aspects may also be included..

A list of suggested topics is given below. The participants may choose from these or innovate on these or even take up any other relevant topic for their project which broadly from the Focal Theme  of the 6th NTSC.

Green Chemistry ( Chemical processes using optimum ingredients , generating minimum waste and utilising minimum energy). Participants can frame projects/ case studies where principles of green chemistry are being utilised or they can suggest there utilisation.

Phyto-remediation ( participants can frame projects/ studies where  plants are being utilised for removal of pollutants  and hazardous chemicals from environment such as soil, water etc.

Comparative study of  different  Waste management technologies for example incineration, microwave treatment, underground disposal of waste, composting etc.

Improved  method of Pollution control  For example with passage of time new technologies and methods are being discovered for pollution control. Participants can study the same and suggest their adoption / implementation in existing setup.

Viable techniques for betterment of health care products, Food production and preservation, materials for shelter, clothing and other essential needs

Eco friendly Dyes, paints and pigments

House hold chemical products (a large  number of chemicals are used in our house for different purposes. These chemicals also cause contamination and pollution of environment. Participants can suggest through their projects better alternatives.

Food processing and preservation. ( Use of chemicals during food processing and preservation is common.). Participants can formulate projects to suggest environment friendly alternatives.

Synthetic material such as wood, polymers, plastics and adhesives etc. and their chemistry
Industrial applications of chemical processes

Body care products (cosmetics)  Slowly and steadily we are shifting from natural ingredients towards synthetic products which at time may prove harmful. Participants can suggest through their projects / studies safer alternatives.

Comparative study of chemistry of  materials used in different ages of civilisation ( stone age, Bronze age, iron age and this age of Polymers)

The Relevant Dates for Submission of Papers to the 6th NTSC-2011

Last Date For Receipt of Papers :15th October 2011
Papers alongwith Abstracts may be sent to :

Professor S.P. Verma
National Convener, NTSC
C/o Science For Society, Bihar,
Chemistry Dept. (Ground Floor, New Building),
Science College, Patna University,
Patna 800 005 , Bihar

 Email: verma1946@gmail.com ; verma1946@yahoo.com
(Papers can be sent by email also alongwith a hard copy by post.)

National Screening of papers:16-19 October 2011

Call Letters to be issued-By 25th Oct. 2011

List of Selected Participants to be hosted on Website26th Oct. 2011

Proposed Dates of The 6th NTSC-26-29 November 2011
(Venue to be finalized)

More Details Visit:       http://www.ncstc-network.org/ntsc6/index.html

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